Project Description
Is PrairieFire Consulting right for me, too?
L.A. College of Nursing
The Problem
The L.A. County Workforce Program in Los Angeles, California was looking for a way to create effective team building among the nursing staff comprised of a diverse group of individuals. Effective communication is especially important in the healthcare industry. The Workforce Program needed a solution that addressed the unique challenges that nurses face daily and one that would elevate engagement and create solidarity among the staff.
The True Colors Approach
True Colors conducted a fun and interactive communication skills training for nurses so they could successfully connect with everyone…co-workers, doctors, staff, and their patients. By using a True Colors Live Show, the nursing staff audience was able to recognize their own personalities through the True Colors actors on stage. Each of the four actors represented the strengths of each personality color type, and they acted out a hilarious and relatable situation that speaks directly to the challenges nurses face every day.
The audience then developed their own characters and revealed their True Colors to their fellow nurses, integrating the skills they had just learned through the Live Show. The integration of the audience into the show allowed the nursing staff to not only discover more about their own colors, but to also understand the strengths of their co-workers’ colors as well.
The Solution
The Los Angeles Health Care Workforce Development Program and the SEIU Local 721 representatives reported that True Color had a powerful effect in developing their nurses into positive, productive and healthy workers. According to Nikki Hanna, Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Oklahoma, “The True Colors Live Show is a key component of our team building and diversity training. We now realize it’s a good thing we’re not all alike. This has been a major influence on our ability to work together to achieve goals and to appreciate what each individual brings to the table. We are stronger and happier as a result.”
What They Had to Say
“True Colors helped nurses work together to meet their patients’ needs during an increasingly difficult time in healthcare. I didn’t know what to expect in this team building training but we got so much out of it.”
Thelma Armstrong
Nursing Instructor, Los Angeles College of Nursing
National Partner
L.A. College of Nursing
Strength-Based Training
Thought Leadership
Strategic Planning
Executive Coaching
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