Years ago a good friend of mine introduced me to a simplified breakdown for understanding temperament–True Colors. Immediately I was amazed and also intrigued with the ramifications of using this assessment. Over the years, after using the assessment and being certified to teach it, I have been impressed by how effectively and extensively it brings clarity in understanding people–whether a spouse, child, parent, or friend. Additionally, I began to visualize that it could also be utilized in work venues to strengthen teams, improve communication, and develop environments of trust. Transformational teams can and will esteem the different temperaments. Here are abbreviated profiles of the four personality types.
Let’s begin with the orange personality. Oranges, who are great negotiators, are typically energetic, naturally entertaining, spontaneous, and action-oriented individuals. They value forthrightness, experience, spontaneity, and winning. They bring a take-charge strength, are good at multi-tasking, and welcome new ideas. They need freedom, flexibility to make an impact, and the ability to take action.
The next personality is the gold. Golds are usually those who are prepared, like to have a plan, are detail-oriented, have a strong sense of duty, are well organized, and are most comfortable in a structured environment. They value commitment, honesty, time, duty, and professionalism. They are great at coordinating, organizing, planning, supervising, and bringing a since of belonging. They need consistency, reliability, a timeline, structure, and clear expectations.
The third temperament is the blue. Blues tend to be natural caretakers and peace makers; they are optimistic, imaginative, and simultaneously cause-oriented and people-oriented. They value compassion, friendship, teamwork, tolerance, trust, and relationships. Blues bring acceptance, good communication, good counseling and listening skills, intuition, and recruiting capabilities. They need acceptance, empathy, harmony, meaning, and validation.
Last but not least, there are the green temperaments. Greens are often good problem-solvers, abstract thinkers, and visionaries. They have a “why” mentality, are often perceived as calm, cool, and collected, are analytical, intellectual, and perfectionistic. They value expertise, knowledge, logic, accuracy, and ingenuity. They are skilled at analyzing, conceptualizing, designing, diagnosing, inventing, problem-solving, and bringing vision. They need autonomy, challenge, the ability to question, information, innovation, and time to ponder.
Each temperament brings its own strengths to a team. Want to learn more? Click here to read more about True Colors. Select the “Personality Tests Help Teams” button and scroll up.
Dan Moeller